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My experience as an editor, writing guide and author spans hundreds of books with writers and publishers across the country. 


I have also ghostwritten numerous titles. For more information on ghostwritten titles, please contact me directly.



Manners That Matter Most: The Easy Guide to Etiquette at Home and in the World

by June Eding

(Hatherleigh Press, 2015)

“The major point in this useful new book is that etiquette is not outdated in the modern world; it’s more important than ever…Manners today are acts of consideration toward others, and they’re covered in detail in this slender volume…excellent pointers.”


-Florence Fabricant, The New York Times

101 Outrageously Fun Things to Do

(Klutz/Scholastic 2016)

Parents’ Choice Award Winner

Parent's Choice Children's Media & Toy Reviews

(Toy Category)


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